There is a Kingdom locked away in the reality of every human’s subconscious; a Kingdom that can only be visited while asleep. It’s a place of great wonder, with lands and seas of magnitudes that surpass any to be found in a conscious reality. But all of it could be destroyed forever. The realm and Kingdom of Morpheus will be shattered, sending its remnants into the conscious realm that is our reality. However, hope still remains as the ruler summons six individuals to defend the Kingdom from the shadow that looms its ugly head. The six chosen include: a healer, a warrior, a thief, a mage, a scholar, and a beast master. They will be called one by one to the Kingdom by Morpheus himself, and will be granted special gifts exclusive to their chosen title. Together, they make an army of six with the ability to change the course of destruction – or aid in the disaster that could be unleashed on the realm in which they live.
The Chosen & Their Powers
The Healer – An individual granted the ability to heal another’s wounds with a simple action that involves flesh-to-flesh contact (touch). However, the healer cannot heal his or herself.
The Warrior – An individual granted the ability to wield and modify any weapon and use it accordingly. However, the Warrior cannot control and/or modify an object that wasn’t crafted to be a weapon. For example, he or she couldn’t modify a baseball bat.
The Thief – An individual granted the ability to open any door, or portal. Stealth and speed are key traits with their ability; they provide the chosen with escape hatches when caught in nasty situations in which defeat is inevitable.
The Mage – An individual granted the ability to manipulate the elements and use them to cause damage to the chosen’s enemies – Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. In order to use these elements, however, the mage must have a source (which will be given to him when granted the gift).
The Scholar – An individual granted the knowledge of the entire Kingdom of Morpheus, including its history, geography, creatures, and peoples. This member of the Chosen will aid all the others when confronted with puzzles, or if the chosen ever become separated, the Scholar will serve as the communicator between the separated parties.
The Beast Master – An individual granted the ability to control the mythical creatures found in the Kingdom of Morpheus and use them to inflict damage on enemies. The Beast Master also holds all knowledge of said creatures, and is able to communicate with them. This member of the chosen may also use them for transportation purposes (for example, using aquatic creatures to cross large bodies of water).
Available Characters
The Healer
The Warrior
The Thief
The Mage
The Scholar
The Beast Master
Struck out characters mean that they're taken/reserved/etc.
The Bio template
Home Country:
Occupation (should be somehow related to their chosen role):
Personality: At least one solid paragraph.
History: At least one solid paragraph.
How it works
Basically the RP will start out with the six chosen falling asleep in the real world and waking up in the Kingdom ofawesomeMorpheus. <- That would be the intro post for each character, I'll leave the possibility of meeting another member of the chosen up to the RPers. I'm trying to leave this as open ended as possible as this Kingdom is at the will of our imaginations in regards to description, etc. I'll provide a basic outline of geography, and whatnot before we begin the actual RP.
As time goes on it would work like any structured RP - one post per character. I'm gonna hope that one post will equal at least two paragraphs. Other than that it's pretty standard. I don't want to bore anyone by going into a blah, blah, blah about how it works, but I wanted to make a point that this is a more serious RP. Proper spelling and grammar is appreciated (but that's everywhere).
the Etc.
I have the geography of the Kingdom laid out, I really just have to type it up. However, I'm not going to do so unless some interest is shown. The same goes for my bio on the Healer, but if someone would like to see a full example of a bio I'd be more than happy to post it. For now, one character per person. If we can't get six members total to join, but we have a minimum of three (me and two others) I think it's safe to say we can each take two.
Any questions VM or PM me, or post them here. Whatever works, I hope some of you would like to do this - I haven't role played like this in awhile.
EDIT - New Information:
Geography of the Kingdom:
The Palace – Morpheus’ palace is located in the dead center of the Kingdom in the middle of the Elwood Forest. This is the starting point of the RP – the chosen fall asleep in the real world and wake up either somewhere in or around the Palace.
Elwood Forest – the woods that surround the Palace are filled with a large variety of beasts, mythical and not. There is one forest trail and it goes either East or West.
The City of Eternael – West of the Elwood Forest lies the city of Eternael, the only city within the Kingdom; it is normally occupied by the citizens of the Kingdom and those dreaming lucky enough to stumble upon it. Now, it has become abandoned ruins that make the home of the deadliest of beasts, among other dark things.
The Port of Callous – The Port of Callous is the only other outlet from the City of Eternael other than the Elwood Forest; the Callous Sea is a large ocean comprised of clear and beautiful, yet rough and choppy waters. It is also home to a large number of aquatic creatures.
The Archaean Mountains – Dormant volcanic mountains East of the Elwood Forest, the trail from the woods leads up into the mountain passageways.
The Mines of Trinh – Tunnels that dig into the deepest, and darkest of places of the Archaen Mountains. They have long since been abandoned and are filled with slumbering creatures that are best left undisturbed.This would be a fun place to go.
The Archaen Valley – The rich land that is surrounded by the Archaean Mountains. There is only one way in or out and that is thru the Mines of Trinh.
**Note about the geography – As you have noticed, I’ve only provided brief descriptions of each landmark. This is because the Kingdom can be in a constant state of change, which will drastically change the scenery. Seasons can be haywire, the land can shift, etc. I would love to see you all let your imaginations run amuck, but these are the biggest landmarks that will always remain.
As we go along, however, we may find ourselves exploring uncharted territory – the ‘bad guys’ (which I’ll go into further detail in a moment) are trying to tear apart the Kingdom and send it shattering into our realm. The repercussions of this cause large changes in the geography and cause new surroundings to emerge, etc. This can also split the Chosen up, and generally **** up their day.
Epiales – the enemy and its army:
Epiales is the spirit or demon of nightmares. It (for lack of a better term) was under the ruling of Morpheus for eons until it decided to have more of a will of its own. Slowly it began to corrupt its siblings, the Oneiroi and started to destroy the thriving Kingdom of Morpheus. It started slowly, terrorizing the mortals blessed with visitation rights, causing visitation to become obsolete. Epiales turned the city of Eternael into the ruins that it is now and made it the home of the horrors that reside in its streets. It’s responsible for the abandonment of the mines, etc. Epiales will not only try and horrify the Chosen with their darkest and deadliest of nightmares, it will also try to corrupt them into mistrusting one another, fighting and ultimately contribute to the destruction of the Kingdom.
The nightmares can take any form and can appear at any time, but the mines and the city are their bases and they will be found in hordes at these two locations.